Monday, March 21, 2005

Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic .NET

You are probably still using Visual Basic 6. Microsoft has stated an ending support for VB6. I definitely agree to end this "toy" programming language.
I was born in Pascal 5 until Delphi, learn C++ made me found many weakness in VB6.
For the past 2 years, I've been working on a project that forced me to start using VB6.
Here're the sins of VB6:
  • We have to install VB6 in MS Office or MSDN to get its help.
  • VB6 can't detect type mismatches or undeclared variables until runtime, and you hit that line.
  • Controls only have a limited amount of events.
  • Controls don't have anchors.
  • VB6 can't have a consistent assignment properties especially its default values. For examples in Form, what is the default property if we assigned the form to variables with datatyped = variant.
  • Components have to be installed in the client machine (very hard/impossible in the web development).

VB6 is dead, switch to Delphi .NET/C#.

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